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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was created to reinforce our commitment towards preserving our customers' personal information.
This document addresses how Rentcars handles personal user information, either collected directly from the web and mobile sites or stored in its electronic databases through other collection methods such as customer phone calls or subscription forms.
This policy does not apply to companies not owned or controlled by Rentcars, or individuals not acting as employees or hirers of Rentcars.
Our site may have links to external websites whose privacy policies and contents are not under Rentcars’s responsibility. We recommend users to always read their privacy policies before providing any personal information and whenever redirected to external websites.
This policy is subject to changes. We recommend reviewing its content periodically.
Should Rentcars apply any substantial changes to its users' personal data handling processes, any updates affecting security or privacy conditions will be promptly informed: a) to the general public, via an announcement posted on our home page; and b) to registered users, via email notification.
The following provisions must be considered for the purposes of this policy:
1 - Rentcars collects personal information, capable of identifying a user, when: a) users sign up for a new account; b) users enrol in our promotions or contests; and c) users contact us via the customer service channels.
  1. Collected data and their uses are detailed in item 8 of this policy.
  2. If the user needs more information or to come in contact directly, such contact can be made via email at [email protected].
  3. It is the user's right to request a copy of all data stored in our system, such a request must be made directly via email at [email protected].
2 - For every data collection model, depending on the purpose of such, we may request different information. Users are always informed of the data being collected and may choose to provide such information or not. Prior to such choice, the user will always be informed of the consequence of their decision.
  1. The purpose of all collected data, as well as the retention time of such data, will be available, when possible, in the user sign-up form contained on the Rentcars website.
3 - Rentcars receives and stores browser information (i.e. IP address and accessed pages) automatically via cookies.
Cookies are short sections of information that usually include a unique anonymous identifier sent to your browser by some websites and stored on your computer’s hard drive. They are used to identify you during your next visit to such websites.
4 - The entry of personal user data into the Rentcars website, as well as the acceptance of browser cookies, are not required to browse through the website. Users who decide to do so automatically acknowledge, agree and accept the terms and conditions herein established.
5 - All user data collected by Rentcars is handled through a secure and encrypted internet protocol.
6 - We employ all efforts to ensure that all information provided by users is duly stored and kept confidential.
7 - All personal data collected is incorporated to the Rentcars database, headquartered at R. Doutor Pedrosa 151, 12º - Centro, CEP 80420-120, Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil.
8 -The Rentcars website uses personal information for the following general purposes: (I) to inform users of new corporate and partner products; (II) update user account information for phone, email, direct mail, and SMS contact purposes, among other communication means; (III) streamline user experience; (IV) develop general statistical data, without identifying users; (V) reply to user questions and requests; (VI) develop marketing and communication campaigns, as well as announcing special deals and offers from partners; and (VII) provide corporate updates to users.
  1. The data given in our site will be kept in our base while it is necessary for our operations or until the user requests their removal or removes usage authorisation on the data.
  2. Such a request must be made directly via email at [email protected]
  3. We use the personal information we collect in connection with providing you our services to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. We share this information with Sift, a third-party service provider to assist us with this effort. To learn more about Sift, please see their Service Privacy Notice.
9 - Access to personal information is restricted to Rentcars’s employees and authorized personnel. Any individual who violates this Privacy Policy and misuses such information shall be subject to the sanctions stated herein, as well as to applicable legal penalties and liabilities.
10 - User information will not be disclosed to third parties other than to Rentcars’s partners or authorized associates. Additionally, user information will never be used for purposes other than those for which they were collected by Rentcars.com, except when court-ordered
  1. In order to enable the contracting between the Parties to happen on Rentcars platforms, the users' information may be shared with our partners, including, but not limited to, Car Rental Companies, Insurance Companies, and any other product partners marketed and disclosed through the Rentcars website.
11 - The user hereby guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of personal data provided. Rentcars will not be held liable for false or inaccurate personal data provided by users.
12 - Users may alter, correct or delete personal and identifiable data whenever he or she chooses via the Account Information page. Under no circumstances must users provide personal data via email since such environment lacks proper security requirements. Rentcars will not be held liable for the correction, alteration or deletion of personal data.
For security reasons, certain account alterations, including all user account information, can only be made upon email and password authentication.
13 - Newsletters and marketing promotions sent via email must always provide an option for the recipient to unsubscribe from receiving such messages. All requests will be fulfilled promptly.
14 - Email marketing delivery services are performed by a company hired by Rentcars, which uses its own servers to send email marketing messages on our behalf.
15 - Such company does not store or use Rentcars´s users' email information for any purposes other than the mere submission of messages in accordance with the preferences defined by each user on the Rentcars website.
16 - The user is responsible for storing and safeguarding his/her login and password information. We do not recommend using obvious passwords, such as special dates, names or numerical sequences. In case of suspected involuntary password disclosure, users must immediately change their passwords.
17 - After being informed of any sale or discount offered by Rentcars, please check our website to confirm such. Any unconfirmed information regarding our sales and services must be disregarded.
18 - Collected data may only be used for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy including in collective data applications.
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