Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to optimize and personalize your experience.
Continue browsing or click OK if you agree with the Privacy Policy and Cookies from Rentcars.

Cookie Policy

This policy identifies how Rentcars collects and uses information via cookie technology. Below we describe how our website uses this technology in order to bring additional functionalities to our clients.
The non-acceptance of this policy will not imply a limitation of our user’s access to the website. It will simply reduce the level of interaction with the website’s functionalities.
1. What are cookies?
Cookies are small text-based files that are stored by the browser in your device (PC or Mobile). These small files allow the website to store information such as your preferences as well as information concerning your digital location (IP address) or even information on your operating system’s and/or device’s (PC or Mobile) screen size.
This cookie technology may be portrayed as a website’s memory which is used to identify you and your preferences. In this way, we are able to present the best products and information available on the website.
2. Which cookies do we use and and how do they work?
  • Login-related cookies
    We use cookies to identify when you are logged into our system and to remember you when you return to our system. These cookies are deleted every time the user “logs out” of our system. That also guarantees that the user will only be able to access certain areas and data whenever such user is logged in.
3. External cookies in our site
From time to time, we need to share some information collected by our cookies with partners or external websites. Below we explain how this information is shared.
  1. Our website uses Google Analytics as a traffic analysis tool. We use it to improve our understanding of how our users behave inside our websites, always aimed at meeting our user’s expectations. These cookies may keep a record of time spent on the website or even pages you visited inside our system in order for us to improve the content made available.
  2. We also create marketing campaigns through platforms such as Google Ads, and, eventually, Facebook and other possible media partners. These tools need cookies as well, in order to enhance their performance and, consequently, make the best product options available to you in a manner that fits your preferences.
  3. From time to time we may test new functionalities and displays in our website in order to keep track of our users’ experience and use cookies to record the data.
  4. To improve our users’ and clients’ experience, we keep buttons and/or plugins that allow the user’s connection to social networks through our website. In order for that to be possible, the social networks (Facebook and Google Plus) may store cookies throughout our website so as to improve the user’s experience. Being that these are external websites, we do not keep track of the data collected by these cookies. For that matter, we recommend reading the concerning cookie policy for the used network.
  5. Other websites are used to store performance analyses and usability in our system. These cookies can also keep a record of how the website is used by the user. This may include, but is not limited to, browsing time, visited pages, repeat visits and most searched for content.
  6. In order to improve the usability of our systems, cookies that store geolocalisation information are used so that we are able to provide relevant information and display pricing information in the currency of the user’s country of access.
  7. We use the personal information we collect in connection with providing you our services to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. We share this information with Sift, a third-party service provider to assist us with this effort. To learn more about Sift, please see their  Service Privacy Notice.
4. Usage of cookies coupled with HTML emails
We may use both session and persistent cookies jointly with emails sent in HTML format. We may use these technologies to help identify email characteristics (i.e.: if you received our email or even if you opted out of receiving our email).
5. Information gathered from your computer
We collect information from your computer at the time of you accessing our website. This information is collected from your browser and may include IP address, operating system, browser, screen resolution and the reference site you used to find us.
6. How to disable information storage by cookies
If you do not feel comfortable with the use of this cookie technology and with the information we may gather, you can access your browser’s settings to delete or even prevent cookies from having access to your information.
Every browser possesses functionalities that may limit a website’s cookie functions and usage. For every browser, there is a different set of configurations. We recommend you seek the necessary information in order to disable these functionalities in the help section of your browser.
You can also manage your cookie settings at Cookie Preferences You can activate or deactivate cookies by clicking on the link.
7. More information
We hope we were able to clear any doubts you might have had about our cookie usage and the data gathered by this technology. However, if you still have doubts, please reach out to us so that we may clear them up.
You may contact us via:

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.rentcars.com/en-gb/info/contact
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