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Terms and Conditions for Hire

Rentcars, represented by RENTCARS LTDA., registered under the Corporate Taxpayer Registry (CNPJ) No. 10.998.234/0001-23, established at Rua Doutor Pedrosa, nº 151, conjunto 1201, 12º andar, bairro Centro, CEP 80.420-120, Curitiba/PR, Brazil and by RENTCARS BV, a Dutch company, registered under Tax ID No. 859404900, with an address at Schiphol Boulevard 195, 1118BG, Schiphol, Holland, is currently the largest car rental portal in Latin America. We are an online travel agency whose platform allows you to compare and reserve vehicles with various car rental companies, in more than 160 countries around the world, according to your preferences and needs.

We act as an intermediary in the contracting of vehicle reservations made available by car rental companies to you, through our platform.

We are not the final provider of this service, and therefore are not obligated, directly or indirectly, to respond for any failure in the provision of services offered by the rental companies, or any damages caused by them. However, we have a highly qualified team to help and assist you in case of any issues. That's what we're here for!

By completing a reservation with us, you automatically accept these Terms and Conditions ("Term"), as well as our Privacy Policy, which represent our agreement with you, our Customer (also referred to herein as renter).

Since we only act as intermediaries in the sale of rental services offered by the rental companies, we are providing some information that can guide you in relation to the rules and obligations that are usually required by the partner rental companies, but you should also be aware of the Terms & Conditions imposed by them, as well as the laws and regulations of the country in which you are making your reservation. We will try, whenever possible, to provide them to you.

It is possible that specific restrictions and/or inclusions may apply that are not covered in the examples we have listed here. Always review the particular conditions of each service and rental company you are about to hire.

As a mere intermediary in this relationship, we have no influence on the specific conditions set by each rental company, but whenever possible, we will intercede on your behalf and help you in every way possible.

As we are constantly improving, we update our Term frequently, either by restricting our services or by adding new security measures for your adhesion, without prior notice. As such, please return to this page as often as possible to keep up with our changes.

We also reserve the right to suspend our system for repair, security or maintenance. But don't worry, we will ensure that the reservations you make in our system are honored.

If you have any questions and need our help, take a look if we haven't already clarified this in our FAQ, or contact us through our Customer Service Center or via WhatsApp.

1. VOUCHER (Booking Confirmation Document)

1.1 The Voucher (Booking Confirmation Document) is the confirmation of your reservation with us and with the rental company. It is individual and non-transferable, and must be in the name of the person who will actually use the vehicle: the renter. As soon as your reservation is confirmed through our customer service channels, we will send the Voucher to your registered email address, as well as these Terms & Conditions.

1.2 The Voucher must be printed and given to the rental company, and will only be valid if all the data it contains (such as the bearer's name, confirmation number, dates, times, pick-up and return locations, among others) are correct at the time of picking up the vehicle at the rental company's counter.

1.2.1 Failure to present it or discrepancies found between the information contained therein and that presented at the time of picking up the vehicle may prevent the use of your reservation and consequently make it impossible for you to use the vehicle, configuring what is called a Turn-down, and subject to the inherent fees and charges (explained in item 6).


2.1 There are some rules issued by the rental companies for you to pick up and use the vehicle. Any additional drivers included in the reservation will be subject to the same rules. In the items below, we listed some requirements both for rentals taking place within Brazil and abroad, as well as some restrictions applied by rental companies. This list is not exhaustive, and may vary by rental company and by country, so be aware of the particularities of your reservation and the chosen destination.

2.2 It is your responsibility to enter the data correctly, review it, and comply with all the requirements listed below to avoid a possible negative decision from the rental company when opening your lease agreement.

2.3 Requirements for Car Rental in Brazil:

Minimum Age of the Renter/Driver: 21 is the general rule, but some rental companies may require a higher minimum age. Therefore, we recommend that you check the rules of the rental company you have chosen. Drivers under the age of 21 (but with a valid driver's license) or over the age of 70 are subject to additional fees by the rental companies, or even more restrictive rules. Learn more about this possibility, or you run the risk of having your reservation denied when you pick up the vehicle.

Driver's License: Your driver's license must be from your country of nationality, original, issued at least two years ago, valid for the entire period of your reservation, and be presented in its physical version. You must present your International Driver's License, and your original passport issued by your country of origin and valid for the duration of your reservation.

Credit Card: must be physical (virtual modalities may be denied by the rental companies), expressly informing the name of the holder, with a limit available for the deposit, explained in item 12 of this Term.

2.4 Requirements for Car Rental Abroad:

Minimum Age of the Renter/Driver: 25 years of age. Drivers under the age of 25 (but with a valid driver's license) or over the age of 70 are subject to additional fees by the rental companies, or even more restrictive rules. Learn more about this possibility, or you run the risk of having your reservation denied when you pick up the vehicle.

Driver's License (CNH): Your driver's license must be from your country of nationality, original, issued at least two years ago, valid for the entire period of your reservation, and be presented in its physical version. You must present your International Driver's License, and your original passport issued by your country of origin and valid for the duration of your reservation.

International Driving Permit: In cases of international rental, we recommend that the International Driving Permit be provided and presented at the time of picking up the vehicle (especially in Italy and in destinations where the alphabet is different from Roman (e.g.: Greece, Czech Republic, Middle East, among others). You can choose not to obtain the IDP at your sole discretion, and we are not responsible if the rental company does not allow you to pick up the vehicle, or in the event of a traffic violation.

International Credit Card: must be physical (virtual modalities may be denied by the rental companies), expressly stating the name of the holder and embossed, with a limit available for the security deposit. Remember: international reservations require an international credit card with a limit available for the deposit.

Original Passport: Regardless of your nationality, many countries require you to present your original passport, issued by your country of origin, and valid throughout your reservation period. Always have it on you.

Signing of the rental agreement with the rental company: The rental agreement will probably be in the local language of the destination. Ensure that you understand its contents, because the allegation of ignorance will not invalidate the agreements made at the rental company's counter.


3.1 Failure to comply with the rules listed above, wrongful compliance, failure to present the requested documents, or lack of necessary information on your part that may make it impossible to pick up the vehicle is your sole responsibility.

3.2 Application Driver and Private Driver Service: it is forbidden to rent vehicles through our channels for the provision of driving services provided by apps or for the provision of private driver services. If you need to rent a vehicle to provide any of these services, we recommend that you look for specialized companies. The rental company may refuse to open your rental agreement, and neither the rental company nor Rentcars will be liable for any loss arising from this refusal.

3.3 Substance Use: driving under the influence of any substances that may impair your psychomotor abilities is forbidden. Rental companies can refuse to complete the vehicle rental process if they observe that the renter, the driver, is not fit to drive.

3.3.1 This may occur because the driver appears to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication that impairs their psychomotor ability, or because they appear to be psychologically or physically incapable of driving the vehicle (adopting aggressive and/or harmful behavior).

3.4 Rental Company Analysis: it is possible that, at the time of picking up the vehicle, the rental company may refuse to complete the rental process with you because it believes that there is some risk in proceeding with your reservation, which is analyzed according to each rental company's own internal criteria.

3.4.1 This can occur due to the existence of restrictions with the credit protection agencies or other analyses that the rental company performs in your name, on factors that can be considered risky.

3.4.2 These consultations will be conducted exclusively by the rental company when you are picking up the vehicle, and Rentcars does not have any control and/or involvement with these procedures, which are the exclusive option of each rental company.

3.4.3 In case of refusal and, consequently, the configuration of Turn-down (Rental Refusal), you may be charged for any fees provided for in item 5 of this Term, which will depend on each rental company's policy.


4.1 It is possible that the rental company or we may need to change something in your reservation. In such cases, we will let you know as soon as possible and find a suitable solution for you.

4.2 If you need to change something on your reservation, you can contact us through any of our channels. We are always ready to help you, clarify your doubts, and assist with any changes you need to make to your reservation.

4.3 To Change Your Reservation With Rentcars:

Before the Vehicle Pickup Date: contact us through any of our service channels and we will help you with this. Changes are subject to a new availability analysis by the rental company, new values, and a different exchange rate, which may result in further charges.

At the rental company counter: if changes are requested at the time the vehicle is picked up, any increases will be charged directly to you by the rental company. It is possible that the amounts charged at the service counter are higher than those previously contracted or offered by Rentcars when you made the reservation, as rates may vary, and Rentcars has no control over this.


5.1 Cancellations shall be requested through any of Rentcars’ channels (phone, site or app). Pay attention to the specific fees and rules that may apply to your case, as listed in these terms.

5.2 When the cancellation by the Client occurs before the pick-up expected time, before reimbursing the Client, and when authorized by law, Rentcars may withhold a fee of 10% of the reservation total amount.

5.3 Beyond the fee mentioned in item 5.2, the rental company may charge its own fees.

5.3.1 In such a case, the Client will be charged only for the bigger fee between the rental company fee and the one indicated in item 5.2.

5.4 The remaining amount(after deducting the due fees) will be reimbursed to the Client as described in item 10 of this Term.

5.5 The reservation cannot be reactivated or used after the cancellation has been requested.


6.1 Some rental companies do not allow more than one reservation for the same period in the name of the renter. As such, if you need to make more than one reservation in the name of the same renter, please contact us so that we can help you. Rentcars will not be held responsible for automatic cancellations by the rental company.


7.1 Your rental period starts and ends according to the dates and times indicated in your Voucher.

7.2 Pickup at a date or time different from the date or time scheduled for the beginning of your reservation and/or return at a date or time different from the date or time scheduled on the Voucher does not guarantee vehicle availability, maintenance of your reservation, or refund for unused periods.

7.2.1 Tolerance for Pickup Delays: some rental companies have a maximum tolerance of 29 (twenty-nine) minutes of delay after the time stated on the Voucher for vehicle pickup. However, there are rental companies that have no tolerance whatsoever, and your reservation will be automatically canceled, characterizing your delay as a no-show, subject to the respective fees and charges foreseen in item 8 of this Term.

7.2.2 Tolerance for Return Delays: returning the vehicle at a time later than the time scheduled on your voucher may result in additional charges from the rental company.

7.3 Regardless of the reason or nature of your delay (airline delay, flight replacement due to overbooking, etc.) it is imperative that you notify the vehicle pickup store as soon as you become aware of the delay. If you have any difficulties, we are here to help you. Please contact us immediately so that we can inform the vehicle pickup store and try to avoid automatic cancellation of your reservation.

7.4 Rentcars will not be held responsible for any modifications, early returns or delays on your part.


8.1 The No-Show occurs when you do not show-up at the rental company counter on the date and time expected, or either make the cancellation within the deadline or arrive at the rental company counter after the deadline tolerance, regardless of the reason.

8.2 In the occurrence of Now-show, Rentcars may charge a fee of 20% of the reservation total amount.

8.3.1 Some rental companies have their own No-Show fees. In such a case, the Client will be charged only for the bigger fee between the rental company fee and the one indicated in item 8.2.


9.1 Turn-Down refers to the refusal of the rental company to fulfill the rental agreement when the Client does not present all the requirements to pick-up the vehicle. Therefore, before making the reservation, it’s important to know the rental company's internal rules, which are available on its website.

9.2 In this situation, the vehicle will not be made available and your reservation will be canceled, which may imply a fee corresponding to 20% of the reservation total amount.

9.2.1 Some rental companies have their own fees for turn-down cancellations . In such a case, the Client will be charged only by the bigger fee between rental company fee and the one indicated in item 9.2.


10.1 Rentcars will only be able to make refunds or cancel your payment to you in cases where the payment of your reservation has been made directly to us (in the Prepayment mode) through our sales channels. If you chose to pay the rental company directly (Payment at Destination), any chargeback or refund must be handled by the rental company, but you can always rely on our team to assist you in these dealings.

10.2 The refund payment period for reservations canceled by the deadline (at least 48 hours in advance) will be up to 20 days, counting from the time your refund request, received through our service channels, is sent to the financial sector responsible – which may take a few days after you make the refund request.

10.3 For refund requests for reservations that resulted in a turn-down or no-show (items 8 and 9 of this T&C), the period will be up to 20 days for payment and will begin only after the rental company confirms the reservation status.

10.4 Pre-payments made via credit card will have the refund credited on the next credit card bills (according to each operator's rules).

10.5 Pre-payments made in other payment methods duly regulated, other than by credit cards or other online payment systems will have the refund credited to the reservation holder's bank account.


11.1 Payment disputes or chargebacks filed with your bank and/or credit card company make it impossible for Rentcars to proceed with your refund (since the money has been blocked from us by the credit card company) and may also prevent you from making new reservations through our channels. Whenever you need to resolve a situation, please contact us first.


12.1 Some rental companies ask for a security deposit to cover possible damages that may occur during your reservation. The rental company may withhold this deposit (or part of it) if it finds damage to the vehicle, infractions, extra expenses, over the counter hires, etc.

12.1.1 To obtain the exact amount that can be blocked as a security deposit, ask the rental company. Several variables can affect this calculation, and only the rental company can tell you the precise amount. Our team can also help you consult the rental companies.

12.1.2 Some of the Extra Expenses that may be charged (not described in our Voucher) include: traffic fines, damage caused to the rented vehicle and without coverage, cleaning fee, fuel, tolls, optional protections, services and accessories contracted by you directly at the rental counter, among others.

12.2 You must present a valid credit card in the renter’s name, in physical form (digital credit cards may be denied by the rental company), expressly stating your name (and embossed for international rentals) and linked to a banking institution, as well as a sufficient available limit for the credit hold. Also, for rentals outside of your own country, your credit card must be valid for international use.

12.3 This amount is blocked on your credit card on the day the vehicle is picked up and will be released by the rental company after its return, when it is verified that the reservation took place in a regular manner and in accordance with the agreement.

12.4 It may take up to 30 days for the money to return on your credit card bill. This depends on your card company. If even after this time the amount remains blocked in your credit limit, please contact the vehicle pickup store and/or your bank.

12.5 Since this is a financial operation, any governmental taxes may be withheld, and will not be returned to you under tax regulations.

12.6 Rentcars has no interference in the security deposit credit hold process, nor any access to the information in this regard with your credit card company. Unfortunately, we can only help you by mediating your contact with the rental company in these cases, and we are under no obligation or responsibility whatsoever.


13.1 Some rental companies offer the possibility of returning the vehicle to a location other than the one where it was picked up for a specific fee. Ask the rental company in advance which locations offer this option, as well as what fee is charged for this service. You will pay this fee directly to the rental company. isso. Essa taxa será paga por você diretamente à locadora.

13.2 Returning the vehicle to a location other than the pickup location must be expressly stated in the rental agreement, so that the return of the vehicle to a store different from the supposedly defined location does not constitute a "breach of contract" and result in further charges from the rental company.


14.1 If you have not agreed to the refueling exemption (either at the time of booking with us or requested at the rental counter), you must return the vehicle with the fuel tank in the same condition as it was delivered to you (normally full).

14.2 If you do not refuel the vehicle, the rental company may make a proportional charge based on its own price list (which may be higher than those of the gas stations at the destination). We advise you to keep the receipt for the refueling performed immediately prior to delivering the vehicle, to facilitate your defense in case of any charge that seems unjustified on the part of the rental company.


15.1 Crossing borders between states or countries: this may be prohibited by some rental companies depending on the location, or result in additional fees that may be deducted from your security deposit or charged later by the rental company. Confirm your itinerary with the rental company in advance and what fees you may be charged in such cases.

15.2 In case of traffic violations: the payment and the civil and criminal responsibility concerning the fines will be exclusively yours, at the country's traffic agency. The rental company may reserve the right to intermediate and/or advance payments, to later collect them directly from you, together with the rental company's own administrative fees.

15.3 Smoking is prohibited inside the vehicles: The fines applied vary from rental company to rental company, and can be confirmed at your service counter. They will be charged exclusively by the rental company.


16.1 Refunds that may be due to you by the rental company should be handled with the rental company directly, and Rentcars has no responsibility in this regard.


17.1 Vehicles are reserved by category: there are no warranties regarding brand, year, model, color, license plate or other configurations.

17.2 Upgrade offer: it is common for the rental company, at the time of vehicle pickup, to offer a category upgrade at an additional cost, to be paid to the rental company.

17.3 Luggage: the baggage capacity is merely indicative, and may be reduced or non-existent depending on the balance between the number of occupants of the vehicle and the suitcases they wish to carry.

17.3.1 Rentcars will not be held responsible for non-fulfillment of the reservation or additional charges for category changes in cases where the number of passengers and/or luggage exceeds the capacity of the reserved vehicle.


18.1 Since we have no influence on the availability of the vehicles offered by the rental company, we cannot be held responsible for any failure to meet such obligations. Let us know about any difficulties that occurred when opening the rental agreement or when picking up the vehicle so that we can help you.


19.1 When you pick up the vehicle, check its documentation, as well as the existence of safety accessories: tire, spare tire, jack, lug wrench, hazard triangle, and fuel tank level.

19.2 Follow the inspection of the car: both when picking up and returning the vehicle, if possible. Check, point out, and list in the checklist the cleanliness, hygiene, conservation, damage and/or malfunctions of the rented vehicle.

19.3 The rental company may charge for the repair of damage: caused by you during the vehicle rental period, as well as the cleaning and sanitization fee based on its own fee table, and other administrative fees incurred in the event of any damage and/or malfunction observed.

19.4 Rentcars has no interference in the verification and collection of damages and/or malfunction, nor any access to information in this regard from the rental company. Unfortunately, we can only help you by mediating your contact with the rental company in these cases, and we are under no obligation or responsibility whatsoever.


20.1 In the event of an accident, theft or damage to the rented vehicle, report it to the rental company immediately to receive information on how to proceed. It is usually necessary to file a police report in the country where the event occurred, as well as to fill out the accident report form with the rental company within 24 hours.

20.2 Regardless of whether you or a third party is to blame for the accident, please be clear that any damage and/or malfunction suffered to the vehicle (or your deductible) will be charged to you by the rental company.


21.1 We always include mandatory protection in the reservations you make with us. Thus, you will always have Risk Coverage and Mandatory Protection included. For this, you will be subject to the clauses present in the rental agreement from the rental company. As a general rule, the coverage excludes, among others, the following items: accessories, damaged tire, damaged wheel, damaged suspension due to holes or curbs, windshield cracks, damage caused by floods or any other phenomena of nature, loss or damage to the vehicle key and/or documentation. These items may vary from one rental company to the next and must be confirmed at the time of pickup. Check the details of the protection and coverage available in your reservation carefully.

21.2 If you are interested in contracting available protections, or disagree with the conditions presented, contact us so we can help you.

21.3 Rentcars is not responsible for the loss of protection of the vehicle resulting from it being driven by unauthorized persons, under the influence of alcohol/drugs or in violation of traffic laws in force.

21.4 Coparticipation and/or deductible amounts: when applied, the amounts and rates for co-participation and/or deductible will be determined in the rental agreement and, in case of malfunction or damages caused to the vehicle, the rental company will collect the amounts directly from you, according to item 9 of this Term. In addition to these costs, the rental company may also charge for the period that the vehicle is out of service for maintenance. Check such charges at the time of opening the rental agreement.

21.5 Residents of the United States with reservations for use within the United States: if you are a resident of the United States and make a reservation for use within the United States, you can make reservations without hiring the mandatory protection. In these cases, the rental company will check, at the time of vehicle pickup, if you have other forms of protection (such as personal insurance, insurance benefited by banks, among others). However, it is possible that the rental company, under its own criteria, does not accept your other form of protection, and may thus deny your reservation.


22.1 You can find Surprise Offers on our channels. Surprise Offers are special conditions offered by RENTCARS in conjunction with our partner car rental companies, and are fares with promotional values that will be presented on our channels without revealing the name of the car rental company.

22.2 When you choose to hire a Surprise Offer, you should be aware that the information regarding the rental company responsible for your reservation will only be available after the confirmation of the reservation payment and issuance of the Voucher.

22.3 You will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Rentcars and the rental company responsible for your reservation.

22.3 Alteration or Cancellation of the Surprise Offer Reservation: The conditions for Alteration and Cancellation of the reservation, foreseen respectively in items 4 and 5 of these Terms and Conditions, remain unchanged.

You can change, cancel and even get a refund of the amount paid, but retention fees may apply, according to Rentcars Terms and Conditions and those of the rental company responsible for the reservation.

The policies regarding retention fees, as well as any fees applied by the rental company, will be available in the "Included in the Reservation" and "Reservation Summary" fields at the time you are making your Surprise Offer reservation through our channels.

22.4 If you cancel, for any reason, your Surprise Offer reservation, you cannot demand that the rental company maintain the price offered in the Surprise Offer mode, since the values presented as a Surprise Offer are special for this mode.

22.5 Payment conditions: Surprise Offers can only be acquired in the pre-payment mode, which may be made via credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, or bank payment slip.

22.6 Coupons: check the conditions for applying a discount coupon before using it on reservations purchased with Surprise Offers.

22.7 Cashback and Rental Cover: the conditions for obtaining Cash Back and purchasing Rental Cover remain unchanged.

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